
今年的其中一個較突出的主題就是公共單車/共享單車;中國作為世界上其中最早引入公共單車系統 (杭州早在2008年開始引入,比巴黎只遲了一年,而且發展相當成熟)及擁有最多公共單車系統的國家,在公共單車的建設上可以說是非常先進及有經驗,所以當討論到公共單車的議題時,可以有很多的實質的材料。當大家都一窩蜂地用智能手機去找摩拜(Mobike)及滴滴(Ofo)時,看來「無樁」的共享單車成為中國單車發展的一個新力軍,究竟「有樁」的公共單車還是「無樁」的共享單車哪樣更加適合中國的城市呢?而「有樁」的公共單車及「無樁」的共享單車的比較也就成了一個有趣的話題。

討論之餘,我在深圳的街頭就同時看到了三款的公共單車/共享單車,有傳統的「有樁」公共單車Funbike 以及新興的摩拜(Mobike)及滴滴(Ofo)單車。看來,和世界許多地方一樣,看來公共單車在中國的發展正帶來更多人回歸用單車代步。
希望有一日香港也能有公共單車讓市民可以使用作交通工具,而不只是好像西九的Smartbike一樣被限制於消閒康樂繞圈之用。低碳騎行者(Eco-Riders HK)前的調查發現,處理自己單車的不方便及沒有地方泊車是阻礙很多人用單車代步的主因之一,而共享單車正好能解決這方面的問題;正如世界各地一樣,如果香港也有共享單車,市民自然就會去使用。只要配合城巿中單車徑/單車行車線的網絡建設,單車作為城市交通系統的一部分是指日可待。



Ofo 滴滴


單車團體過去多次要求開放巿區禁止單車的關鍵路段,而今日在運輸署與單車團體的會議上,討論了由顧問公司(Atkins)做的有關BPZ(Bike Prohibition Zone)的「檢討」(現有單車限制區檢討Review of Existing Bicycle Prohibition Zones)(下稱「檢討」),而香港單車同盟的專業工程師做了十分詳盡及有力的回應,指出整個Atkins研究的方法及錯誤引用的圖表資料,充滿了誤導。例如引用的澳洲指引(Austroad Guide)其中一個圖表,原本是關於設計單車徑時,上斜坡度及長度對踩單車的「舒適度」的影響,和「安全」及「禁止」單車完全無關,但「檢討」卻是誤用來作為禁止單車的根據。又例如以高車速及車流作為單車「不適合與一般車輛混合」的理據,但其實真相是圖表原本是表示應該如何選擇最適當的單車基建,(是否適合建單車徑?還是單車行車線道?還是和汽車共用同一路面?)如果車速高及車流大,最好就是為巿民提供單車徑,和禁止單車剛好是相反的意思,但這「檢討」卻說成是禁止單車的理據,與其說這是誤導,甚至也可以說是「失實」。




參考:「現有單車限制區檢討Review of Existing Bicycle Prohibition Zones」
詳細回應:Cycling is Permitted Feedback on Atkins Study by HKCAll

We rode this evening’s 11th Hong Kong Ride of Silence in fine weather, the usual route from TST clock tower to Cheung Sha Wan and back, about 14 km.  A total of 950 riders, young and old, commuters, leisure riders and sportspeople, remembering ten people who died on our roads while cycling, and 468 seriously injured (that’s nearly one in five of all seriously injured on our roads)

At a simple ceremony at the start, a minute’s silence was held while riders kneeled beside their bikes, heads bowed.  A bell was struck ten times, once for each who passed, while the Hong Kong Adventure Corps played The Last Post.

The focus of our ride this year was the lack of consideration for people who ride bikes in the design and management of our built infrastructure.  Morevoer, when urban space is designed to be safe for people on bikes, it makes a safer and nicer city for everyone.

District Councillor Paul Zimmerman drew attention to the poor design of the cycle tracks planned for Kai Tak Development, which won’t reach to the residential areas or the MTR stations, because they are being planned without consideration of how people will use them to get around, only as a “leisure facility”.

Also joining the ride were Legislative Councillors: Hon. Dennis KWOK Wing Hang (郭榮鏗), Hon. KWOK Ka Ki (郭家麒), Hon. Frederick Fung Kin-kee (馮檢基) and Hon. Gary FAN Kwok Wai (范國威), all of whom addressed the group during the ceremony.

All cyclists are invited to ride together to remember 10 people who died and support around 2500 who were injured while cycling in Hong Kong in 2015, and to quietly make the statement that “we are here” and deserve respect and consideration on the road. This is one of hundreds of such rides around the world at the same time, annually on the third Wednesday in May.

Time: Wed 18th May @ 19:15

Route: TST Clock Tower (Starting point) > eastbound Salisbury Road > northbound Nathan Road > westbound Lai Chi Kok Road > northbound Wong Chuk St > westbound Yu Chau St > southbound Yen Chow St > eastbound Lai Chi Kok Road > southbound Nathan Road > TST Clock Tower (Finishing point)

Police will inspect bikes for lights (front and back) and brakes, and probably reflectors and bells. Please be prepared.
Reminder: please let’s ride quietly or in silence as we remember others.

Bad Weather: We’ll continue under Amber or Red rainstorm warning signal. Event will be postponed to another date if Black rainstorm warning signal is in force or in prospect.

時間:5月18日@ 19:15

路線:尖沙咀鐘樓(起點) > 梳士巴利道東行 > 彌敦道北行 > 荔枝角道西行 > 黃竹街北行 > 汝洲街西行 > 欽州街南行 > 荔枝角道東行 > 彌敦道南行 > 尖沙咀鐘樓(終點)


Much as we may enjoy being with friends, the Ride of Silence is not a carnival. Please dress and behave to show respect to those who died last year, and support for those who were injured. If not silent, please keep your voice low (and please no music on the ride).

Organised by 更多資訊:https://hkcyclingalliance.org/

Global website 全球網站

For details of the hundreds of other Ride of Silence events around the globe, and the worldwide message that we are carrying, visit http://www.rideofsilence.org/ .

如要知道更多世界各地「沉默的騎行」的詳情及活動要表達的訊息,請前往全球「沉默的騎行」網站 http://www.rideofsilence.org/


2016年1月30日(六)的 「Critical Mass Ride 單車臨界量騎行」路線是直接經青衣南橋(葵青路)騎車由九龍往返 「青衣」,而慢騎主義也參加了活動,並且在其面書頁上貼出了相片及感想,引起了網民熱烈的討論,而明報也有報導這件事。

1. 以為青衣南橋(葵青路)是高速公路,踩單車是犯法


2. 以為即使合法,馬路上跟本就不應該踩單車,因為好危險

回應:其實只要道路使用者互相尊重,大家都守規則,單車在公路/馬路上行駛不是特別危險的。日日都有好多人踩青公、界限街、彌敦道、英皇道,其實好安全, 造成危險的不是道路(路面有坑洞另計),是道路使用者本身,尤其是駕駛態度不好的人。青衣橋同一方向有二至三條行車線,單車在慢線,其他汽車在二或三線, 各有各行各自的行車線,只要司機都守法安全超車,有什麼危險?其實比設計差勁的單車徑更加安全。

3. 以為在馬路踩單車是為了自我娛樂的自私玩命行為

回應:其實城巿中有很多很多人是以單車作代步工具,不是玩具(當然踩單車返工比逼地鐵有趣得多),也不是休憩運動(當然踩單車返工是很好的運動),也有不 少人是為了環保而選擇踩單車而不用汽車;單車的功能廣大,不可把所有踩單車的人定型為某一種類自我娛樂的人。有些人以為自己汽車又快又硬,不顧其他道路使 用者而開快車的人,是否自私?有些人以為有錢買電油,日日一個人無實際需要而駕駛高污染高碳排放的汽車發出高噪音,浪費能源,污染環境,佔用寶貴城巿空 間,這又是否自私?踩單車代步其實可以好偉大,是愛護這個地球的實際行動。

4. 以為在馬路踩單車會阻慢交通

及:「單車 v 跑步 v私家車」點對點全港首試實驗

5. 以為汽車有交車輛牌照費、有買保險,單車無,所以不應用馬路

回應:汽車的牌照費不是路權費,是按照車輛汽缸容量而訂定的,相信是按照對環境的破壞而收的費用,單車汽缸容量等於零,更有助保護環境,收什麼費呢?反而 要補貼放棄駕駛而以單車代步人仕就對了。第三者保險是為使用車輛時的疏忽而引致第三者傷亡或財物損毀所須承擔法律上之賠償責任,很明顯,因為汽車可以是殺 人工具,隨時能引致其他人傷亡,所以要為第三者買保險,預備汽車撞傷人撞死人時可以有得賠,因為隨時能引致其他人傷亡,所以要學車考牌才可以駕駛(香港每 年交通意外死大約超過100人,傷20000人都是被有牌的司機所殺傷的,證明有牌不等於安全,態度更重要),以單車對其他人的安全性,以單車對環境的好 處,在世界各地踩單車也不用第三者保險及執照,更不用牌費可以說是理所當然。
想起外國人有句說話”You own a car, not the road.”

MTRC’s recent strict enforcement of baggage dimension rules, under which students with cellos and other larger musical instruments have been kicked off trains (SCMP, Ming Pao, Sun), and the resulting public backlash have made some people ask about the situation for passengers with bikes.

Most of us know that since 2011 (as well as until 2003), bikes have been accepted on all MTR services.  Passengers with bikes have widely shown responsibility, such as by not trying to get on a really crowded train.

But this arrangement has never quite been the bold step forward for Hong Kong and the MTR that it should have been.

Here’s what Hong Kong Cycling Alliance submitted to MTRC’s review:

Bicycle Carriage on MTRC Services

Alongside recent concerns over passengers bringing musical instruments on to MTR services, occasional reference has been made to MTRC’s acceptance of bicycles on all services, as announced by your Mr Cheung Sing-chau, at the 16 December 2011 meeting of Government departments with cycling organisations, under the auspices of Transport Department.

Firstly, and importantly, I reiterate the consistent position of Hong Kong Cycling Alliance (HKCAll) that the step taken by MTRC was very welcome and deserving of praise and publicity, as forward-looking, environmentally responsible and aligned with the global trend towards integration of bicycle use with public transport, under policies that increasingly promote transportational and leisure cycling.

We note that, in the nearly four years since the policy was introduced:

It has proven popular with bicycle owners and smooth in operation, subject to our further comment below

It has been uncontroversial with the general public, indeed, support has been widely expressed, over that time and in public comments recently

There are however two areas in which we believe the present arrangements regarding carriage of bicycles could be improved:

Keeping bikes whole

The directive to frontline staff to request the disengagement of one wheel of a bicycle creates needless risk and inconvenience. Furthermore it does not match practice among local train service operators elsewhere.

Even when wheel removal is possible, by taking away the stability and braking system of the bike, rendering it into several large parts, and exposing potentially sharp points in a public space, this requirement turns a safely controllable object into an unwieldy and potentially dangerous inconvenience for all concerned. It also introduces the possibly fatal risk that brakes may not be reset properly.

Moreover the restriction prevents the use of MTR services by most ordinary people, with non-specialised bikes, who are unable to comply.

The lack of a clear rationale for these requests to remove a wheel causes confusion among passengers and MTR staff. Staff often cite By-law 4A but this was surely superseded by the December 2011 announcement. Partial references to dimensions regulations cannot apply, as regular-size bicycles are clearly an exception. Concerns about safety and convenience are best met by keeping the bike whole and manoeuvrable. Fears that passengers with bikes are somehow more irresponsible than everyone else, and might mount their bikes, are unfounded and such an action would anyway be covered by existing regulations.

We urge the withdrawal of the expectation that a passenger with a bicycle disengage one of its wheels.

Broader publicity

The lack of public information about the acceptance of bikes for travel on MTR services leaves many ordinary bike users unaware of, or uncertain about, the arrangements in place, especially affecting those who are not members of clubs and associations that share such information.

Suitable promotion of this availability would not only clarify matters for everyone, but also draw appreciation of MTRC’s welcome responsible policy and environmental credentials.

HKCAll would be delighted to provide further input on these matters, or to meet with MTRC to discuss implementing such improvements, as well as other cycling issues related to MTR services.

Thank you for your attention.

On the day that acceptance of review submissions closed, MTRC announced that it would introduce a system whereby some instruments, such as cellos, could be registered for carriage, off-peak.  Mention was made of possible later consideration of sports equipment (pool cues?  hockey sticks?) but no reference to bikes.  That leaves many questions unanswered, for other musicians, as well as anyone carrying sports gear, and, perhaps, anyone with a bike. (HKFP, SCMP, Sun)






Questionnaire on Cycling in Hong Kong

Hi! We are a bike InnoTeam from the Jockey Club CarbonCare Open Innovation Lab (JCCOIL) formed by Hong Kong Cycling Alliance (HKCAll), 3+1 Cycling Group and cycling enthusiasts.

Bike has the merit of hop-and-ride, high manoeuvrability, environmental friendly, use less road space, and more. There is a trend for countries and cities like the Netherlands, Germany and New York to replace public transport by cycling.


We hope to collect views and opinions from you all who residents in Hong Kong on cycling in urban area. Meanwhile, we would like to call for attention from public on this topic. This questionnaire will take you about 3 minutes to complete, we will use such data collected for our analysis on cyclists views and opinions.





English version


All cyclists are invited to ride together to remember and support all those who died or were injured while cycling in Hong Kong in 2014, and to quietly make the statement that “we are here” and deserve respect and consideration. This is one of hundreds of such rides around the world at the same time, annually on the third Wednesday in May.
This year 2015 is our 10th Ride of Silence in Hong Kong.

Route: TST Clock Tower (Starting point) > eastbound Salisbury Road > northbound Nathan Road > westbound Lai Chi Kok Road > northbound Wong Chuk St > westbound Yu Chau St > southbound Yen Chow St > eastbound Lai Chi Kok Road > southbound Nathan Road > TST Clock Tower (Finishing point)

Police will inspect bikes for lights (front and back) and brakes, and probably reflectors and bells. Please be prepared.
Reminder: please let’s ride quietly or in silence as we remember others
Bad Weather: We’ll continue under Amber or Red rainstorm warning signal. Event will be postponed to another date if Black rainstorm warning signal is in force or in prospect.

路線:尖沙咀鐘樓(起點) > 梳士巴利道東行 > 彌敦道北行 > 荔枝角道西行 > 黃竹街北行 > 汝洲街西行 > 欽州街南行 > 荔枝角道東行 > 彌敦道南行 > 尖沙咀鐘樓(終點)


More information 更多資訊:http://hkcyclingalliance.org/

Global website 全球網站

For details of the hundreds of other Ride of Silence events around the globe, and the worldwide message that we are carrying, visit http://www.rideofsilence.org/ .

如要知道更多世界各地「沉默的騎行」的詳情及活動要表達的訊息,請前往全球「沉默的騎行」網站 http://www.rideofsilence.org/ 。




Martin Turner 正講解踩單車的知識↓

























