
Trains 鐵路

Taking your bicycle on trains is now possible on all lines.

MTR Lines and Light Rail 港鐵及輕便鐵路

Are bikes permitted?: Yes.  You may be asked to remove the front wheel.

Cost for carrying bike:  Free

MTRC 24-hour enquiry 港鐵24小時熱線 2881 8888
MTRC website 港鐵網站
System map 港鐵路綫圖
MTR By_Laws 港鐵附例  (large file 大檔案)  or read the HKCAll comments on the MTR By-Laws 按此閱覽香港單車聯盟對附例的評論

Notes: On 16 December 2011, MTR quietly announced at the regular Transport Department meeting with cycling organisations that bicycles were permitted on all MTR lines with the front wheel removed. MTR consider that once the front wheel is removed, a bicycle becomes ‘luggage’. In our experience, it is perfectly possible to get bicycles onto the MTR. Simply walk quietly and confidently through the station, and show plenty of respect to everyone else (make it obvious).  We are on display here, and need to gain public support.  Don’t wear your helmet.  Often the front or back of the train have more space. Once on the train, do not block the exits. If you are confronted by the staff at any time, be courteous and polite.


Through train to China 坐火車返大陸

Are bikes permitted?: Bicycles can be carried as consigned luggage

Cost for carrying bike:  Depends on weight

MTRC 24-hour enquiry 港鐵24小時熱線 2881 8888
MTRC intercity trains website 港鐵城際直通車網頁
MTRC intercity trains conditions of travel (Beijing/Shanghai lines) 港鐵城際直通車運送規則 (北京/上海線)
MTRC intercity trains conditions of travel (Guangdong line) 港鐵城際直通車運送規則 (廣東綫)

Notes:  Bicycles should be carefully and securely packed according to the conditions of travel or they might be refused.