
Ride of Silence 2013 沉默的騎行

Date: Wednesday 15th May
Time: 7.15pm
Location: TST Clock Tower

All cyclists are invited to ride together to remember all those cyclists who died or were injured in 2012 in Hong Kong, and to quietly make the statement that “we are here” and deserve respect and consideration.  This is one of hundreds of such rides around the world at the same time, annually on this third Wednesday in May.

Route: see map at the bottom of the page
Bike lights: required, front and back
Helmets: recommended
Reminder: please let’s ride quietly or in silence as we remember others


Remembering 10 cyclists dead in 2012  紀念2012年10位逝世的單車使用者

The past year saw 10 cyclist deaths in Hong Kong as well as cyclist injuries increasing by more than 10%  again, as it has done each year for the last 5 years.  Everyone who is on the roads has a responsibility to keep each other safe, so we are calling on the Hong Kong government to better educate drivers of other vehicles on how they keep us safe on our journey by giving us space and understanding better how cyclists travel on the roads.

The 2013 Ride of Silence will send a powerful message that the government has a duty to take action to reduce this carnage, especially by increasing awareness among drivers and the public in general of the rights and needs of cyclists.

Responsibilities for drivers of other vehicles

Drivers of other vehicles have responsibilities to keep everyone safe and they should be better educated about this. Some of the things that drivers can do to be more aware of cyclists are:

  • Learn to share the road with all road users.
  • Appreciate that cyclists are helping you by reducing congestion
  • Avoid dooring cyclists by looking carefully before you open doors onto the street
  • Realise cyclists are vulnerable
  • Helmets don’t equal guaranteed safety as they only protect the head
  • Exercise some caution and be patient
  • Allow plenty of space
  • Drive slowly on low visibility roads
  • Cyclists have the right to ride in the middle of the lane
  • Beware left turns as cyclists can easily get caught on the inside of your vehicle
  • Get on a bike

What cyclists can do to be safer

As cyclists, we also have rights and responsibilities when using the roads. Below is a list of the main points we should remember as cyclists on the road:

  • In law, we are another vehicle on the roads, with the same rights as all other vehicles on the roads.
  • Our signals and movements should be visual and deliberate to ensure drivers can allow for our actions on the road.
  • Ride in the middle of the lane – the latest guidance from the Road Safety Council is that cyclists should make themselves visible by riding in the middle of the lane when necessary, and though some drivers may not understand why you are doing it, this is often the safest way to travel on roads.
  • Try to develop a ‘road-sense’ to understand and anticipate the movements of other vehicles.
  • If you have an issue with another vehicle, report it to the police/Transport Department. There is more information here.

Cycling fatalities in 2012 單車人士死亡地圖

(with thanks to Chan Ka Leung for maintaining this throughout the year)

The cyclists killed and injured in 2012 who we will be remembering include*:

  1. 20/01/2012 – a 17 year old man named WAN(溫×振) crashed into the gate at the West New Territories Landfill in Nim Wan, Tuen Mun when riding his bicycle down the sloping at about 10pm. He died in the hospital. 溫×振(男, 十七歲)於晚上十時許在流浮山稔灣路落斜時撞上新界西堆填區車輛出入口閘口欄杆,送院搶救後證實死亡。link 連結
  2. 01/04/2012 – Kwok, aged 41, fell down when he was riding on Deep Bay Road at about 11am.郭志光(譯音, 男 41歲)於早上11時許,沿深灣路前往尖鼻嘴,途經輞井村對開,郭突然頭暈不適,連人帶單車
  3. 09/06/2012 – CHAN, a 52 year old man, fell to the ground when he is riding on the journey back from Sai Kung to Ma On Shan. He complained of chest pain before the accident. 陳×雄,(男52歲)與朋友由馬鞍山騎單車往西貢,回程中途他突感心絞痛,不久後他連人帶車在馬路倒下昏迷,送院後證實不治。連結link 連結link2
  4. 05/07/2012 – HUNG, a 74-year-old man, was hit by a car when riding a bicycle and crossing the road near Kiu Tau Tsuen at 9:20am. The old man sustained head injury and died later in the hospital. The driver was arrested for driving under influence of alcohol. 老翁洪×志(男, 74歲)於早上9時20分在橋頭村對開騎單車橫過馬路時,被一輛由一名39歲男子顧×恆所駕駛沿錦田繞道往元朗方向行駛的私家車撞倒。老翁頭部嚴重受傷,被送往博愛醫院救治,延至早上10時證實死亡。司機接受酒精呼氣測試證實他體內酒精含量超標,他涉嫌危險駕駛導致他人死亡及酒後駕駛被捕
  5. 20/08/2012 – 鄺嘉奕(男,52歲)晚上10時30分由沙田九肚山麗坪路下坡,與一輛上坡的私家車相撞。Kwong, aged 52, collided with a car while riding down Lai Ping Road at 10:30pm. 連結link 連結link2
  6. 20/08/2012 – 一名41歲姓黃男士晚上11時許踩單車駛至馬鞍山水廠街單車徑時突然暈倒,送院後證實死亡。WONG, a man aged 41, fell down at about 11pm in the cycle track on Shui Chong Street. 連結link
  7. 15/09/2012 – An 84 year old sustained head injuries when a taxi hit him on Shun Lee Tsuen Road towards Sau Mau Ping.(男84歲)早上約8時30分踏單車沿順利村道向秀茂坪方向,準備轉線時被一輛的士撞倒,頭部受傷死亡。

View Ride of Silence – Cycling fatalities map in 2012沉默的騎行 – 2012年騎單車死亡人士肇事地點 in a larger map

Global website 全球網站

For details of the hundreds of other ‘Ride of Silence’ events around the globe, and the worldwide message that we are carrying, please see the global Ride of Silence website.

如要知道更多世界各地「沉默的騎行」的詳情及活動要表達的訊息,請前往全球「沉默的騎行」 網站(或者在其首頁觀看2011年香港騎行的影片)。

Ride Route map 騎行路線圖

TST Clock Tower (Starting point) 尖沙咀鐘樓(起點) > eastbound Salisbury Road 梳士巴利道東行 > northbound Nathan Road 彌敦道北行 > westbound Lai Chi Kok Road 荔枝角道西行 > northbound Wong Chuk St 黃竹街北行 > westbound Yu Chau St 汝洲街西行 > southbound Yen Chow St 欽州街南行 > eastbound Lai Chi Kok Road 荔枝角道東行 > southbound Nathan Road 彌敦道南行 > TST Clock Tower (Finishing point) 尖沙咀鐘樓(終點)

View Larger Map 放大地圖

Supporting Party

We are very happy to have Sportsoho as a supporting party to the Ride of Silence 2013.

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