This is extracted from a recent post on the excellent London Cycling Campaign website.

A short, sharp message from Transport for London headlines their latest PR campaign warning about the danger of HGV lorries.

Thousands of handlebar leaflets are being put on bikes all over London and there will be posters re-enforcing the message.

The posters give a very quick warning to all cyclists. Beware of all lorries, staying behind is the safest option.

Being hit by a large lorry is thankfully rare but always serious and more likely to be fatal than any other crash. If there is a junction nearby, don’t try to overtake as lorries turn quickly, cutting across your path.

TfL’s website gives more safety tips:

Cycle sensibly and assertively to help yourself stay safe, especially at traffic lights and junctions.

  • Recognise that lorry drivers may not be able to see you
  • Never cycle up the left side of a lorry stopped at a junction
  • Look out for lorries turning left from beside or behind you
  • Don’t stop too close to the front of a stopped lorry and stay away from the lorry’s front near side. If a lorry comes up behind you, move forward enough to ensure you are in the driver’s field of vision
  • Take up a visible position at lights or advanced stop lines: three metres out in front and not by the left kerb or very close to the lorry
  • Behind a lorry is often the safest place to be. When you need to overtake a large lorry, do so on the right-hand side, so that the driver can see you

TfL links to London Cycling Campaign’s advice for staying out of the lorry risk zone.

They also link to our Safer Cycling Code and the See Me, Save Me campaign for reducing lorry danger.

Lorry Drivers also targeted

Transport for London is keen to point out that it is also targeting lorry drivers. – The HK Government does not even target car drivers, but it would be a great and necessary step for them to also target lorry drivers.

There are press campaigns in the truckers’ magazines, as well as a webpage for drivers.

They will be putting on information events at channel ports and lorry service areas, aimed at drivers heading for London. – This kind of informational event is perfectly possible on Hong Kong also, around the container ports and at the road crossings from mainland china.

Road Users’ Code by Transport Department recommends riding 0.5m from the kerb.

Is it sound advice?

This video is a comparision between “riding near the kerb” and “taking the lane”.



English version


It’s a bit long, but worth watching if you want to imagine what Hong Kong streets could be like..!

Rethinking the Automobile (with Mark Gorton) on Vimeo

There’s a great article in the Sydney Morning Herald on what makes cyclists angry on the roads.. it applies very well to our roads in Hong Kong… so, Why are cyclists angry?.

走吧。 – This Big City 城事.

位於大欖郊野公園的田夫仔北段越野單車徑今日(2012年3月4日)開始啟用。由國際越野單車協會設計的新單車徑全長 2.1公里,連接原有的荃錦段越野單車徑,其中 1.4公里路段為天然泥路面,整條單車徑適合有一定越野單車技術水平的市民使用。

From the This Big City blog:

最新一期有關啟德發展的「啟德新里程」的第八期通訊 (2012年3月)中,提出使用高架單軌列車作為區內的主要連接交通工具,也提到路面環保公共交通工具,包括超低硫柴油巴士(歐盟五期排放標準)和液化石油氣小巴,可是對早前和團體討論過會在區內建單車徑以方便踏單車在區內作連接的方案仍然是隻字不提。



This is a true bicycle safety manual from 1940, which is interesting in itself, but what’s even more amazing is that the attitude of the Hong Kong Government to cyclists is exactly as described in this out-of-date booklet.

Why do they think that it is OK to always blame the cyclist for the collision, and to just accept that any injuries were their fault…?

“A Ride of Death”, 1940s Retronaut.

from the Bikeyface blog