
今年的其中一個較突出的主題就是公共單車/共享單車;中國作為世界上其中最早引入公共單車系統 (杭州早在2008年開始引入,比巴黎只遲了一年,而且發展相當成熟)及擁有最多公共單車系統的國家,在公共單車的建設上可以說是非常先進及有經驗,所以當討論到公共單車的議題時,可以有很多的實質的材料。當大家都一窩蜂地用智能手機去找摩拜(Mobike)及滴滴(Ofo)時,看來「無樁」的共享單車成為中國單車發展的一個新力軍,究竟「有樁」的公共單車還是「無樁」的共享單車哪樣更加適合中國的城市呢?而「有樁」的公共單車及「無樁」的共享單車的比較也就成了一個有趣的話題。

討論之餘,我在深圳的街頭就同時看到了三款的公共單車/共享單車,有傳統的「有樁」公共單車Funbike 以及新興的摩拜(Mobike)及滴滴(Ofo)單車。看來,和世界許多地方一樣,看來公共單車在中國的發展正帶來更多人回歸用單車代步。
希望有一日香港也能有公共單車讓市民可以使用作交通工具,而不只是好像西九的Smartbike一樣被限制於消閒康樂繞圈之用。低碳騎行者(Eco-Riders HK)前的調查發現,處理自己單車的不方便及沒有地方泊車是阻礙很多人用單車代步的主因之一,而共享單車正好能解決這方面的問題;正如世界各地一樣,如果香港也有共享單車,市民自然就會去使用。只要配合城巿中單車徑/單車行車線的網絡建設,單車作為城市交通系統的一部分是指日可待。



Ofo 滴滴


Tung Chung New Town Extension Study – Stage 2 Public Engagement

Planning Department and CEDD are preparing to expand Tung Chung.  But despite the existing popularity of cycling in the town, cycling and cycle tracks are downplayed.  (There are bike icons on the cover, and a mention of ‘cycle tracks along the waterfront promenade’, but nothing in the planning principles or other important parts of the document.)

We need to make sure that cycling is integrated into the heart of planning of new Tung Chung, to all destinations.  That includes roads and tracks that facilitate getting efficiently around the area by bike, parking (residential and spread across district).

First, see the Stage 1 study (you may need to use Internet Explorer to view it properly)

How to get involved, under the Stage 2 Public Engagement:

(1) ‘Community Workshop
22 June 2013 (Saturday), 2:00pm – 5:30pm (need to pre-register by 20 June)
Venue: HK Federation of Education Workers Wong Cho Bau Secondary School (map)

(2) ‘Public Forum’

13 July 2013 (Saturday), 2:00pm – 5:30pm (need to pre-register by 11 July)
Venue: HK Federation of Education Workers Wong Cho Bau Secondary School (map)

(It’s not clear what happens at these two events, or the difference between them)

(3) Make a written submission, either via their dull form (eg. ‘Do you want continuous walkways?’) with options to write your own answers;

OR just write to PlanD and CEDD, at:
skisdpo@pland.gov.hk and tungchung@cedd.gov.hk (deadline: 21 July – but do it now!)

Please email us at info@hkcyclingalliance.org if you’re going to a public meeting. If you write, please cc us.

You can phone them at:
PlanD: Sai Kung and Islands Districts Planning Office, 2158 6177 (fax: 2367 2976)
CEDD: HK Island and Islands Development Office, 2231 4408 (fax: 2577 5040)

The Stage One study

The Stage One study includes decorative icons and images of bikes, and mentions cycle tracks in the text.  But why isn’t cycling among the planning principles or the transport section, and why are there no details at all of the ‘cycle tracks’ – they’re not even shown on the map?  What are we being offered?

Cycling should be at the heart of the new Tung Chung, not merely window dressing.

Although the ‘cycling is leisure’ mantra is not trumpeted in this study, government is still very reluctant to recognise cycling as transport, let alone integrate it into planning.  So cycling is mentioned (even ‘commuting’, slightly), to look good, but actually left vague.   Without a firm commitment to build Tung Chung around cycling connectivity, we’ll end up with the same old disjointed, badly designed paths and no supporting effort to promote and enable functional cycling.

Don’t believe the pretty pictures; look at the text.

In the study’s 15 pages, here is what we get:

  • 海濱長廊及連綿的公園都會附設單車徑,以推廣單車成為區內的環保交通工具 Provide cycle tracks along the waterfront promenade and linear parks to promote cycling as a green commuting tool in Tung Chung

[what about cycling everywhere else? tracks can be good, and people cycle on roads and mixed-use area too.  So enable cycle traffic flow – no pointless barriers or dismount signs.  Encourage sensible sharing of space.  ]

  • 主要交通及社區設施附近提供足夠單車泊位以鼓勵居民使用單車 Provide adequate cycle parking space near major transport and community facilities to encourage cycling

[But people need to park at any locality, not just large bike parks at major facilities.  What about local parking near any shops or other places people go?  Eg. enable individual parking at most lampposts, signposts and railings.]


Asia-Pacific Cycle Congress

September 8th, 2011 | Posted by wheeliefine in events | meetings - (0 Comments)

If you are in Queensland, or have the wherewithal to get there next week:

The Asia-Pacific Cycle Congress

18 – 21 September 2011
Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre

Cycling experts and enthusiasts from around the world and hear first-hand about technical approaches to cycleway planning and strategies for reaching critical velocity in cycling mode share.

line-up of keynote and guest speaker presentations
events, tours and exhibitions


Next Wednesday (7 Sept 2011) HKCAll will present a proposal for the harbourfront cycleway to the Harbourfront Commission.  This is a fantastic opportunity to get some serious force behind this project, which we have all been pressing for so long.

Our team is beavering away these few weeks to get it all ready.

Please take a look at the route we are proposing.

What do you think?