Youtube Livestream Ceremony and Strava Ride 直播Youtube記念儀式及Strava小組騎行

Ride of Silence沉默騎行2021
This year’s Ride of Silence, on Wed 19 May, will go ahead, but riding individually or in small groups.
Though we can’t ride as a large group, we can still honour the 16 cyclists who died and remember the 2607 people injured on Hong Kong roads last year, quietly making the statement that “we are here” and deserve respect and consideration as road users.

在當日晚上7時30分至10時期間,我們邀請您觀看Youtube網上直播記念儀式,之後登入在 Strava 的「沉默騎行」踩單車活動,獨自或與1至3個朋友一起去沿著尖沙咀與深水埗之間的路線踩你自己的小組「沉默騎行」。
On that evening from 7.30pm to 10.00pm, we invite you to join the Youtube live ceremony and Strava Ride event and ride your own Ride of Silence – either alone or with up to three friends – along the usual route between TST and Sham Shui Po.

By riding, we quietly recognise all those victims. But at this difficult time we are also showing that bikes offer mobility that avoids being stuck in a closed vehicle with potential virus carriers, which may even save lives.

**Youtube 網上直播記念儀式 Youtube Live Streaming Remembrance Ceremony**

晚上7時30分至7時45分會有Youtube 網上直播記念儀式:
7:30-7:45pm there will be a remembrance ceremony live streaming on Youtube:
Then there will be individual or small group ride until 10:00pm.

**詳情** DETAILS **
在5月19日晚上7時30分之前,請使用手機登入Strava的「沉默騎行」活動( ),然後沿著尖沙咀至深水埗的路線上踩你自己的小組「沉默騎行」並讓Strava記錄你的路線。你需要註冊一個免費Strava戶口,而每小組只需要其中一個人使用Strava就可以了。當然,疫情之下請避免與其他車友群聚在一起。

Use your mobile phone to join the Strava event ( ) before 7.30pm on 19 May and then ride your own Ride of Silence while letting Strava to record your ride. You need to sign up for a free Strava account in order to do that. One Strava-connected person per group is OK. Of course avoiding bunching with any other rider groups under the present situation.

請表現出對「沉默的騎行」所有慣常的尊重 – 特別是踩單車時不要聊天。
Please show all the usual RoS respect – especially not chatting while riding.

You may consider printing and displaying images of RoS flags and banners on your bike.

當然,踩完車後,請分享您的經驗–請用帶有#RideofSilence2021 及 #RideOfSilenceHK 標籤的任何故事,照片或視頻。
Of course, after the ride please share your experience – any stories, photos or video, tagged #RideofSilence2021 and also #RideOfSilenceHK.

Strava event:
If you intend to participate, please ‘join’ the event here, just as you would if we were all riding together.
And please share with anyone who may wish to join or support the event.

時間:5月19日@ 19:30 Time: Wed 19th May @ 19:30
香港「沉默的騎行」Ride of Silence Hong Kong 2021 活動頁 event page:
Strava event:

更多資訊 Organised by:
香港單車同盟 Hong Kong Cycling Alliance (HKCAll)

香港「沉默的騎行」 Ride of Silence Strava Club

全球網站 Global website
For the story behind the Ride of Silence, and the now hundreds of participating rides – in normal years, at least – that are held around the globe, visit .


The North Point section of the pedestrian boardwalk under the Island Eastern Corridor was finally gazetted on 31 December 2020, with cycling as part of the design.

Implementation is expected to begin in March 2021. As early as 2009, the Planning Department commissioned a planning and design company to conduct the Hong Kong Island East Harbour-front Study, which proposed the need to provide connectivity and accessibility to the waterfront.

The Hong Kong Cycling Alliance presented to the Harbourfront Commission in 2011, proposing that a Harbourfront Cycleway be created, and formally submitted a forward-looking report on the IEC Boardwalk cycleway Feasibility Study, building on the Hong Kong Island East Harbour-front Study. The planned boardwalk under the Island Eastern Corridor was widened to include cycling. Allowing bicycles and pedestrians to share this boardwalk is an important means of revitalising the waterfront. Ultimately, it is hoped that a 16-kilometre Harbourfront Cycleway can be created, running from Kennedy Town to Heng Fa Village.

The specific suggestions and research into how the cycleway could be implementated depended on the participation and input of many parties. From November 2007, Ms Ho Loy, Hong Kong Cycling Information Network and Hong Kong Cycling Alliance have together led a series of major campaigning mass cycle rides – the “Harbourfront Bike Ride”. There have been nine such ride events, in which a total of nearly 10,000 people have participated. For eight years, from 2011 to 2019, a monthly petitioning ride, the “3+1 Cycling Alumni Association” led by Mr Lau Kam Moon (Uncle Moon), delivered a call for the full 16km cycleway to the Government Headquarters, with many people taking part.

Hong Kong Cycling Alliance and other organisations and citizens have engaged in many official and private meetings and consultation activities during these years, making proposals and providing ideas. All parties continue to work hard to follow up and fight for the 16km Harbourfront Cycleway from Kennedy Town to Heng Fa Chuen, having now successfully secured the pedestrian boardwalk North Point section of the Island Eastern Corridor, which was finally gazetted on 31 December 2020. There will be two sections – eastern and western. From Oil Street to Tong Shui Road is the western section (about 0.7 kilometres long), and from Tin Chiu Street to Hoi Yu Street is the eastern section (about 1.1 kilometres long).

Although the North Point section under the Island Eastern Corridor is less than two kilometres – only a fragment of the long-called-for cycleway, it is nonethless an important link, as this section of the shoreline is abutted by private residential developments.

We all look forward to the day that Hongkongers and visitors can ride bikes the full 16 kilometres along the Harbourfront Cycleway from Kennedy Town to Heng Fa Chuen!

Other information:

Pedestrian Boardwalk under Island Eastern Corridor – research website

IEC Boardwalk Cycling Corridor Feasibility Study

report produced by the Hong Kong Cycling Alliance:

TVB Pearl News report on the 8th Harbourfront Bike Ride, 22 Januuary 2017
Harbourfront Cycleway – Interactive News 8 September 2011
locking bicycle to railing



A 一般須知

1. 務必記下車架編號及拍照存檔,保留購買單據,以便一旦失竊時可以證明是屬於自己所有。

2. 可以的話不要泊在街上,例如選用摺車隨身及放在室內。

3. 如果你用單車代步,節省的交通開支很快可以抵消投資在鎖具及單車上的金錢,更賺取到健康、快樂及環保等,所以不要因為怕單車失竊而不踩單車,堅持單車代步其實很化算。

4. 單車的表面價值與被盜竊風險成正比,看起來越貴風險越高。貴車還是儘量不要泊在街上。

5. 泊過夜風險較高,日間風險低,因為賊人都愛夜闌人靜出動。所以如果是踩單車返工,單車停泊公司樓下而不會過夜,風險其實相對較低。

6. 落雨日子風險也會較高,因為竊賊會用雨衣作掩護帶工具出街做䅁。

7. 日曬雨淋,要做好防銹處理,可以用膠袋套著坐椅作保護。

8. 醜化、舊化單車有幫助減低被盜風險。其實泊幾個星期單車自然變污變舊不用刻意做什麼功夫。

9. 有關車輛泊街的法例,車輛(包括單車)如無導致危險及實際阻礙其實應有法例第374C章第4條(5)免責辯護,可惜政府部門經常錯誤應用第28章6(1)條《土地(雜項條文)條例》不合法佔用未批租土地來充公單車,詳情可參考香港單車同盟的文章:香港政府濫用法例充公單車(。

B 泊單車地點

1. 如有正式單車泊位可以考慮使用。

2. 不要拍在橫街窄巷人流少的地方,小偷最愛在暗處做事。

3. 偷竊多發生在夜闌人靜的時候,所以應選擇人流多並且24小時都有人流的地方,例如便利店或者24小時連鎖快餐店門口;留意有些地點例如巴士總站,日間多人但夜晚冷清。

4. 不要阻礙別人免招投訴。

5. 除非得到同意,不要泊在私人地方例如屋苑範圍、地鐵範圍等,因為管理公司一定會來清除單車。

6. 政府部門會不定時清除街上的單車,並會在行動之前把告示貼在單車上要求在限期內移除,請定時檢查單車的情況及有冇收到政府部門的警告;如要離港一段長時間,最好把單車放回室內。

7. 如泊在樹下要留意避開樹上鳥巢,因為鳥糞會弄污單車。

C 如何鎖車

1. 世上沒有開不了的鎖,所以不要完全依賴它,但堅固的鎖可以嚇退取易不取難的小偷。

2. 密碼鎖及鋼絲鎖只可以作為輔助的鎖,因為容易破解及破壞。

3. 用最少一把堅固及有質素的「D鎖」鎖著車身及車輪把車鎖在穩固的地方(參考文章頂部照片)。

4. 不要只鎖車輪以免賊人留下車輪而拿走了最值錢的車架;也不要只鎖著車架以免賊人拆去車輪。

5. 移除可以拆除的附件例如貴重的燈具等,以免給人順手牽羊;如果座椅是快拆也建議拆除或另外用鐵鏈鎖著。

D 如單車失蹤

1. 如發現單車失蹤了,立即打999報警並等候警方到現場處理。

中文版 (Chinese version):“「電動輔助單車」不可踩馬路”

What is an “electric assisted bicycle”? What is the difference between these and ordinary bicycles?

Electric-assisted bicycles, as the name suggests, are bicycles that are mainly human-powered and supplemented by electricity. The way to move forward is to pedal with both feet. When the speed reaches 25 kph or above, the electric motor will cut out. Above 25 kph, such machines are entirely dependent on human power.

This offers the following advantages:

1. Better strength when going uphill, which helps to overcome gradients.

2. The same human energy output can support longer distances.

3. Saves effort, helps overcome the weight of freight, and helps Hong Kong commuters avoid the problem of arriving sweaty at their workplace.

4. Allows people of lower physical strength, or with slight disabilities or injuries to use bicycles.

In terms of driving speed, university research[1] shows the speed of ordinary people using electric-assisted bicycles is similar to that of ordinary bicycles, and some researchers [2] have found that using electric-assisted bicycles can also achieve the same amount of exercise as using ordinary bicycles.

What is the difference between “electric-assisted bicycle” and “electric bicycle”?

“Electric-assisted bicycle” refers to a bicycle (or tricycle) equipped with an auxiliary electric motor that operates only in support of human pedal power. It will only provide motor assistance when the user is pedalling. When a certain speed (generally 25 kph) is reached, the motor assistance stops.

“Electric bicycles” on the other hand refer to fully electric-powered bicycles, which do not necessarily have pedals (and are controlled by a throttle, like a motorbike). The speed and horsepower are often higher than for electric-assisted bicycles. In the laws of various countries, there are usually different regulations for “electric-assisted bicycles” and “electric bicycles”.

In Hong Kong, more and more people use electric scooters and electric-assisted bicycles, and the public and the Legislative Council are increasingly calling for the development and regulation of this area. It is hoped that Hong Kong can catch up with the world.

Recent developments in Hong Kong include the Government’s briefing on the results of the review on the use of electric mobility devices in Hong Kong, at the meeting of the Legislative Council Committee on Transport held on 19 June 2020, and the introduction of a regulatory system.

The Transport Department (TD) is currently planning to amend legislation to allow electric mobility devices (such as electric scooters, electric-assisted bicycles, etc.) to be used on the cycling track (only), and is seeking communication with the industry. On 14 October 2020, Hong Kong Cycling Alliance attended a meeting to exchange views between TD and invited cycling groups.

The discussion paper submitted by the TD to the Legislative Council and organizations mentioned that “electric mobility devices” will be divided into three categories:

(i) PMD, or Personal Mobility Device: common examples are electric scooters, two-wheeled electric scooters and electric unicycles; electric bicycles that do not need to be pedalled but are powered at high speed will also be classified as a PMD.

(ii) PAPC, Power Assisted Pedal Cycles: electric-assisted bicycles or tricycles equipped with an auxiliary electric motor and driven only in assisted pedalling mode to support pedalling force. Provide power but when reaching a certain speed, such as 25 kph, power assistance will stop.

(iii) “Electric personal mobility aids” PMA, Motorised Personal Mobility Aids (common examples are electric wheelchairs).

The Hong Kong Cycling Alliance has long striven to promote a welcoming environment for cycling in Hong Kong. Among the various “electric mobility devices” mentioned above, the Alliance is particularly concerned about the regulatory plan for electric-assisted bicycles.

This paper will not discuss “electric bicycles”, “electric scooters” or “electric wheelchairs”, the speed and horsepower of which may be greater than for electric-assisted bicycles..

Regulatory recommendations and discussion of the Transport Department

TD stated in the “Administration’s paper on review of the use of electric mobility devices in Hong Kong” (LegCo Document No. CB(4)698/19-20(02), hereinafter referred to as the “Paper”), that the government had reviewed the practices and regulations of 12 jurisdictions/cities, namely:

  1. Shanghai;
  2. Singapore;
  3. Tokyo;
  4. Seoul;
  5. Queensland (state), Australia;
  6. Victoria (state). Australia;
  7. the United Kingdom
  8. Germany;
  9. France;
  10. Barcelona;
  11. Washington DC; and
  12. New York State;

and used this review as a reference to formulate Hong Kong’s regulatory approach.

Regarding the circumstances in which the use of electric-assisted bicycles on the carriageway is permitted, the paper states:

“All jurisdictions/cities studied allow the use of electric assisted bicycles on the carriageway (if there is a dedicated bicycle lane on the carriageway, the electric assisted bicycle must use a dedicated bicycle lane)” (Paper page 3).

Since all 12 regions/cities allow the use of electric assisted bicycles on the carriageway, it is strange that TD recommends that electric-assisted bicycles should not be allowed on the carriageway.

TD’s reasoning, echoing its long-held opposition to cycling in the urban areas, is “We have carefully considered the local road conditions. The current road infrastructure design is centred on automobiles, and there is no dedicated cycle line. In fact, even in a non-central commercial area, Hong Kong is crowded with people and vehicles. Many roadside activities are also very frequent, so we recommend…electric assisted bicycles should not be allowed to be used on the carriageway.” (Paper, page 4).

Looking at many foreign examples, the usual practice is to basically treat “electric-assisted bicycles” (that is, they provide motive assistance only when pedalled, with motor assistance cutting out at around 25 kph) as a regular bicycles, because as long as the electric power is limited to a certain low level in terms of technical specifications, the actual performance of this “electric assisted bicycle” is very close to that of a normal bicycle [1], so it is suitable to be classified as a general bicycle.

This concept is applied in the European Union, the United Kingdom, North America, Australia, Japan, Taiwan, and even China, and other advanced cycling countries. It is also feasible in the practical experience of various countries.

Ask the Transport Department why can electric assisted bicycle not use the road?

So why is TD still choosing to go against the trend of the world’s advanced laws and regulations, insisting to exclude electric-assisted bicycles from the roads and only recommend pedalling on the bicycle track?

The rationale given by TD is still the old-fashioned argument, that is, “there is no bicycle lane on the road”, “there are more people and more cars in the city”, etc.

And this so-called “reason” has been said for more than 20 years, right?

During this period, cities such as London and New York, which once had these same attitudes of “there is no bicycle lane on the road” and “there are many people and many cars”, have turned into bicycle-friendly cities!

In 2020, Hong Kong is still discussing how to prohibit electric-assisted bicycles from appearing on roads in the city!

The question in front of us is why ordinary bicycles can travel on the road, but 25kph electric-assisted bicycles can’t?

In the exchange meeting between TD and the cycling group, one of the reasons given by the TD was that electric assisted bicycles were not safe on the road. Then why is it that electric-assisted bicycles are less safe on the road than ordinary bicycles? Is it safer to ride on the cycling track only? If safety is a consideration, in theory, electric-assisted bicycles on the road should be safer than ordinary bicycles, because they should be safer if the speeds on the same road are similar to traffic (the average speed of traffic in Hong Kong is about 20 kph)

We think the authorities only need to refer to the European Union to regulate the technical specifications of electric-assisted bicycles, and treat electric-assisted bicycles as ordinary bicycles. It is the most reasonable approach to allow electric-assisted bicycles to use roads and cycle tracks.

On the contrary, the government has inspected 12 countries/regions/cities in the world and found that all of them have unanimously approved the use of electric assisted bicycles on the roads, yet our government still restricts the use of electric-assisted bicycles on the road.

To limit their use to cycling tracks, the authorities must provide very strong justifications to prove that electric-assisted bicycles are less suitable for use on the road than ordinary bicycles. Does the Transport Department have such a rationale? Otherwise, banning the use of electric bicycles on the road appears illogical and contrary to common sense. It only continues the unreasonable policies of TD which are blindly unfriendly to bicycles.

The following table: Regulations on the use of electric assisted bicycles on roads, cycle tracks and footpaths in various jurisdictions.
(In all locations, a driving licence is not required to ride an electric assisted bicycle on a road or a bicycle track.)

City/countryOn the roadOn the bicycle trackOn the pavement
ShanghaiYes (if there are no special lanes, keep to the right of the road)YesNo
TokyoYesYesYes (under 13 years old or over 70, speed limit 10 kph
SeoulYesYesYes (from 2018), children, elderly and disabled
QueenslandYesYesYes (pedestrian priority)
VictoriaYesYesYes (people under 13 or disabled)
GermanyYesYesYes (under 10 years old)
FranceYesYesYes (under 8 years old)
Washington DCYesYesYes (except for city centre)
New York StateYesYesNo
Regulations on the use of electric-assisted bicycles on roads, cycle tracks and footpaths in various jurisdictions.

[1] A comparative health and safety analysis of electric-assist and regular bicycles in an on-campus bicycle sharing system. regular bicycles in an on-campus bicycle sharing system.

[2] Physical activity of electric bicycle users compared to conventional bicycle users and non-cyclists: Insights based on health and transport data from an online survey in seven European cities



1. 上斜時更好力,有助於克服斜坡;

2. 同一出力可踩更持久更長距離,有助於克服長途旅程;

3. 省力,有助於克服貨運負重及減輕勞動,有利於香港夏季通勤減少出汗後要上班的問題;

4. 讓體力稍為遜色人士及腳患康復者也能使用單車。






(i) 「電動個人移動工具」PMD, Motorised Personal Mobility Device(常見例子有電動滑板車、兩輪電動踏板車和電動單輪車);不用踩踏而有動力高速前進的電動單車也會被歸類於此為「電動個人移動工具」;


(ii) 「電動輔助單車」PAPC, Power Assisted Pedal Cycles(裝設一個輔助電動馬達及只以輔助腳踏模式驅動以減輕腳踏用力的電動輔助單車或三輪車。只會在使用者踏腳踏時提供機動輔助,當達至某一速度例如每小時25公里便會中斷機動輔助。);

(iii) 「電動個人移動輔助工具」 PMA, Motorised Personal Mobility Aids(常見例子為電動輪椅)



運輸署在提交立法會的「政府當局就檢討電動可移動工具在香港的使用提供的文件」(立法會CB(4)698/19-20(02)號文件,下稱「文件」)中表示曾檢視了12個司法管轄區/城市的做法和規管方式,包括 (1)上海、(2)新加坡、(3)東京、(4)首爾、(5)澳洲的昆士蘭州和(6)維多利亞州、(7)英國、(8)德國、(9)法國、(10)巴塞羅那,以及(11)美國首都華盛頓和(12)紐約州,並以此為參考製定香港的規管方式。







那為什麼運輸署仍然選擇逆世界先進法規之風而行,硬要把電動輔助單車排除於一般單車可以使用之路面(馬路)之外而只建議可於單車徑踩踏呢?運輸署所給的理據仍然是那套老掉牙的論述,就是「馬路並無單車線」巿區「人多車多」等,而這所謂「理由」已經講了超過廿年吧?這期間那些曾經也是「馬路並無單車線」及巿區「人多車多」的城巿如倫敦、紐約等都已變身為單車友善城巿了!2020年香港仍然在討論如何禁止電動輔助單車在巿區馬路出現!面前的問題是為什麼一般單車可以踩馬路,每小時25公里的電動輔助單車反而不可以?運輸署與單車團體的交流會議上,運輸署所給的其中一個理由是電動輔助單車在馬路上不安全。那為什麼電動輔助單車在馬路上為什麼比普通單車更不安全?而只可以在單車徑踩踏就更安全?如果安全是考慮,理論上在馬路上電動輔助單車應該比普通單車更加安全,因為同一路面上車速相近的話是理應更為安全(巿區平均車速大約每小時廿多公里)。 我們認為當局只要參考例如歐盟把電動輔助單車做好技術規格的規管,並把電動輔助單車當作為普通單車一樣的處理,容許電動輔助單車便用馬路及單車徑,這是最合情合理的做法。



[1] A comparative health and safety analysis of electric-assist and regular bicycles in an on-campus bicycle sharing system. regular bicycles in an on-campus bicycle sharing system.

[2] Physical activity of electric bicycle users compared to conventional bicycle users and non-cyclists: Insights based on health and transport data from an online survey in seven European cities

香港巿區有無單車? Is there anyone riding in  the city of Hong Kong?

5mins footage#1:
5mins footage#2:


You’re likely to see bicycles at any junction in 5 mins.
The government should not ignore the needs of these citizens who ride.
Face the fact of urban cycling.
Go to the links below to see the 5-mins footages:
5mins footage#1:
5mins footage#2:

You can try for yourself to stand at a junction and see if you can spot any bicycle too.

Share bikes make functional cycling even more attractive






共享單車實際試用比較報告 Comparison report on bike shares in HK



四款共享單車整體踩踏表現都合格、十分適合在巿區代步或休閒康樂等用途。Hobabike 及Locobike租金最低、而Hobabike因具備三個變速檔位對上斜十分有幫助,加上其車體構造心思(軚尺、座管定向螺絲、加大碼鞍座)、用料(Shimano Nexus內變速花鼓)等,Hobabike暫時是這四個品牌中整體表現最好的。(資料收集及試用報告:香港單車同盟)


*鳴謝3+1單車同學會Kam Moon LauLuz Fan一同進行是次測試




Ride of Silence 2017

All cyclists are invited to ride together to remember 14 people who died and support around 2000 who were injured while cycling in Hong Kong in 2016, and to quietly make the statement that “we are here” and deserve respect and consideration on the road. This is one of hundreds of such rides around the world at the same time, annually on the third Wednesday in May.


Time: Wed 17th May @ 19:15
時間:5月17日@ 19:15

Route: TST Clock Tower (Starting point) > eastbound Salisbury Road > northbound Nathan Road > westbound Lai Chi Kok Road > northbound Wong Chuk St > westbound Yu Chau St > southbound Yen Chow St > eastbound Lai Chi Kok Road > southbound Nathan Road > TST Clock Tower (Finishing point)

路線:尖沙咀鐘樓(起點) > 梳士巴利道東行 > 彌敦道北行 > 荔枝角道西行 > 黃竹街北行 > 汝洲街西行 > 欽州街南行 > 荔枝角道東行 > 彌敦道南行 > 尖沙咀鐘樓(終點)

Police will inspect bikes for lights (front and back) and brakes, and probably reflectors and bells. Please be prepared.
Reminder: please let’s ride quietly or in silence as we remember others.


Bad Weather: We’ll continue under Amber or Red rainstorm warning signal. Event will be postponed to another date if Black rainstorm warning signal is in force or in prospect.

Much as we may enjoy being with friends, the Ride of Silence is not a carnival. Please dress and behave to show respect to those who died last year, and support for those who were injured. If not silent, please keep your voice low (and please no music on the ride).

Organised by 更多資訊:

Facebook event page 面書活動頁:

Global website 全球網站:
For details of the hundreds of other Ride of Silence events around the globe, and the worldwide message that we are carrying, visit .


















主動拆前輪爭取單車無障礙政策?Actively giving in to wheel removal requirement?